Wednesday, April 27, 2022

WISHES AND DREAMS COLORED.Dear SHEEP, I'd rather look a fool and be wrong than be right and fail to act.

UNACCOUNTABLE.5 fingers to the hand, american birds, hands to talk, how to say fuck off. Assholes on the roof, did not buy shit 4 years ago in 2018, refuse to buy shit in 2022. Come and get your shit, how to turn a Ucc 3 termination to a UCC 1 financial form. To all the fools, freaks, and frogs.

Practice to perfection classic life lessons.Need Service?There's no exact time frame for when that will be ready. 4 years now, updates. I refused to let them alter my title, for the asses on the roof, trying to get a fee ride. Not on my dime, they have not, and they will not.

'Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.'Nazi and prison camps, every ride from the parking radar. "Everything's so simple, and we make everything so complicated. That's why we're confused."My Memories... My Life ... My Loves... I'm so Thankful for them. This is what I woke up to, this glorious day that God has made .Ain't nobody's business if I do.

WOAH - What a response so far!

Over 300 people have asked us for an encore event already, which means only 200 to go…

 Mayia A. (Spruce Power)Unacepptable. Will not do, will not go forward, time to hit the wall, the company sucks, the worst assholes, to say nothing, and there is no time frame for the shit we throw, want to play?

UNACCOUNTABLE.5 fingers to the hand, american birds, hands to talk, how to say fuck off. Assholes on the roof, did not buy shit 4 years ago in 2018, refuse to buy shit in 2022. Come and get your shit, how to turn a Ucc 3 termination to a UCC 1 financial form. To all the fools, freaks, and frogs.

Practice to perfection classic life lessons.Need Service?There's no exact time frame for when that will be ready. 4 years now, updates. I refused to let them alter my title, for the asses on the roof, trying to get a fee ride. Not on my dime, they have not, and they will not.

RV Dreamer.Desert Rats: Indio Fuck Fests: Fuck Friends, Party Times Happy Holidays. Friends, Family, Foes, Faces In The Crowds. Roles To Play, Decades.See you there!Ways to grow, ways to turn a life around. Bumps in the road, three left turns, back to start. what if you have no hair? can it show how. 'Solar Beings Light is the basic building blocks for Essence. Friends,

Dicks, dawgs, dances with fools, freaks, Franky Froghats, another way to skin a cat. Army frog, Robert Rodriguez, a hero of what. Tricks out of a page, written notice given. Real Estate Broker, tricks of the trade. Get a listing, and forget about it for 30 days, what a way to go. Making friends, to last until never, cut the cord, kick to the curb. One Fine Day.: One Nut To Grow.Good afternoon! An interesting read…..Old guy, having iced coffee, looking for…, Have a great day young lady. 'SLY ENSLAVED ,than those who falsely BELIEVE they are free -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,IT IS A SCAMDEMIC PEOPLE !!!! OUR GOVERNMENT ONCE AGAIN IS PLAYING US LIKE THE PROVERBIAL FIDDLE WE ARE. WITH DEMENTED BIDEN FAILING AT EVERY PUBLIC SPEAKING THE LEFT IS THROWING A " HAIL MARRY.Sonny And Starr, Twins, Both Sides Of The Coins.'I can't breathe.Army frog, Robert Rodriguez, a hero of what. Tricks out of a page, written notice given. Blue Stars To Shoot: Daily Stars EVERYONE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BETTER AT HIDING IT. BAILEYBUTTERLYBATTLESDAILYVIEWSDAZED.BLOGSPOT.COM Blue Stars To Shoot: Daily Stars EVERYONE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BETTER AT HIDING IT. Hope in colors, hope floating all the time, hopes and prayers, searching for places to land.Learn How To Sit Back And Observe. Not Everythin... Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. I would like to share Universal Principles and The Art of True Light, to help as many people as possible! Flip Flop, Seasons In The Sands, Dances On The Beaches, Good Times. Men who wear masks outdoors, when there’s no actual law mandating it are ..?Leader of what, dicks, dawgs, dikes, hard to say. Bullshit, ready to roll, gems to find, lots of jokes and laughs, how to talk about folks, with cash to waste. Have to say, ready or not, the shit is ready to fly. Ready, set, go.Just saying, lots of shit to make up. High Times, Burning Trees, Coins To Count, Rights, Reasons, Seasons Of Givers, Takers, Lucky Breaks

May be a meme of 1 person and text that says 'There's sugar daddy then there's condensed milk daddy'

 Try looking in a different way. Nightmares with the fake friends that leave you to swing the wind, happy to save their own skin.Did you know that TOO MUCH TOLERANCE KILLS LOVE?I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me .FAIRY TALES,BEACH BUM ON A PATH TO SELF DISCOVERY: Sandpiper, whatever” I mean fuck you.Persons, women, men … morons.Meghan Bastard. (Spruce Power)Mar 11, 2022, 12:11 PM CST.

Dan Evans :CBS Evening News',Old Dog, new tricks, what comes next, after listing is pending, choices to make. Expired listing, closing date was missed, the parties are no longer engaged in an active contract with each other. No more options to cancel or void.

 Mayia A. (Spruce Power)Unacepptable. Will not do, will not go forward, time to hit the wall, the company sucks, the worst assholes, to say nothing, and there is no time frame for the shit we throw, want to play?

UNACCOUNTABLE.5 fingers to the hand, american birds, hands to talk, how to say fuck off. Assholes on the roof, did not buy shit 4 years ago in 2018, refuse to buy shit in 2022. Come and get your shit, how to turn a Ucc 3 termination to a UCC 1 financial form. To all the fools, freaks, and frogs.

Practice to perfection classic life lessons.Need Service?There's no exact time frame for when that will be ready. 4 years now, updates. I refused to let them alter my title, for the asses on the roof, trying to get a fee ride. Not on my dime, they have not, and they will not.

May be an image of text that says 'Shower Thoughts @showerfeelings Honey is the tastiest of all the insect vomits we have tried so far.'

Blame Games: Jewish White Sluts, Donkeys 2 Ride-Jewish Army .Dead now, undead family, unstable alive.Peace and love by the seas, gifts to share.RV camper, for life, lifestyle of Jewish.Wide-asses..Line for brains, not done, planes line was mistaken, airport for planes. 

 Thanks for the shots, views, and voices.RAZZLE DAZZLE! 'Saints and Sinners.If a man does not do good himself, let him not rely on what his ancestors did!- Midrash Tehillilm.Hard to say.GIANTS, LEADERS, JACKS OF MANY HATS, MOUNTAIN CLIMBED OVER THE DECADES. 'In a hug we build unforgettable moments, emotions and dreams full of love and tenderness... We build eternal ties without borders or time.'The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

 Just remember you can’t change everyone.Micky Moses,Micky Mouses,Men And Mice, Faces In The Crowds, Nightmares At Disneyland, Across The Decades. Spruce Power Sucks: USA-Worst Solar Panel Need Service? 

NextHome WR DRE01905787, Bruce Van Horn, It's going to be a cloudy day, but I'm going to rejoice that I have another day to be alive!ATTEND THIS CLASS NOW.Your Future Self Will Thank You For It!Brand News:'Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained.

May be an image of 1 person and text

 Sons To Shine, Empire Of Liars, Assholes On Roof, Spruse Powers. Stories.Don't let the ugly in others kill the beauty in you.'Naw girl, you want that Knigga, you can have him!"Dicks, dawgs, donkeys to date, monkeys in packs, lessons to learn. 

 'In a hug we build unforgettable moments, emotions and dreams full of love and tenderness... We build eternal ties without borders or time.'DRESSED'I don't care what you think of me! Unless you think I'm awesome in which case, you're right! Carry on.Hands ups not hand outs needed Life to laugh, life to live daily. Give back, for the desires for more pennies. Pennies more, not pennies less always.

Thanks for the shots, views, and voices.Hands ups not hand outs needed Life to laugh, life to live daily. Give back, for the desires for more pennies. Pennies more, not pennies less always.

Max More Money, Peace, Love, Happiness,Cash, Green Backs, Forever And A Day. Always.BEAUTY ATTRACTS THE EYE BUT PERSONALITY CAPTURES THE HEART.' A LONG TIME AGO, this happened at sunrise, each girl sprinting toward the new day. Years pass. Traditions change. Fourth of July heat already shimmers off the tallest pines of the Sacramentos, in southern New Mexico, when three Mescalero Apache girls wearing beaded buckskin dresses take their places before a towering tepee.

  I ain’t the one to gossip. SPRUCE POWER, Solar Panels. UNACCOUNTABLE.Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows, Under The Sands, Gems To Find. Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained.The Daily Yahoo!UNDRESSED: So true .I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you. Spruce Power .

Good And Sweet: Like,Good In Plenty.BREAKING News:Spruce Power/Kilowatt Financial/Sungevity - Solar Panel Complaints, company so bad, assholes, known as the worst, solar company to work with, in the USA, sons that stink.The Daily Yahoo!UNDRESSED: So true .I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you. Spruce Power , Sue Me States.Welcome to your worst nightmare!
May be an image of 1 person

Golden Calf: What beef? ALBERT EINSTEIN.Delighted with the gifts to share with the tales of the bumps in the road, stories about the happy dazes spend with smiles and laughter for the good times
May be an image of 1 person and standing


Frankie Agresti (@AgrestiFrankie) | Twitter.
'Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.'Nazi and prison camps, every ride from the parking radar. "Everything's so simple, and we make everything so complicated. That's why we're confused."My Memories... My Life ... My Loves... I'm so Thankful for them. This is what I woke up to, this glorious day that God has made .Ain't nobody's business if I do.

When you and the ROACH ,I have been battling for years .BLACK AND BLUE, HAPPY AND DELIGHT, BLUE STARS IN THE SKIES, WISHES AND DREAMS COLORED.Dear SHEEP, I'd rather look a fool and be wrong than be right and fail to act.

 'Pearls & Swine'.More of this coming, unfortunately.FERRARI A.G.E &.LUX IT'S MY WORLD.I AM GOING TO CRY .CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN.

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